Question: If you parents or other loved family members health started to fail and you were solely in charge of where they were to go, would you rather they move to a facility or a cozy home?
Cozy Home
Why did you pick that?
Are you an Accredited Investor ?
No but I'm close
Accredited Investor Definition: Any of the following 3 qualify you as an accredited investor: Single household making $200,000 per year, married household making $300,000 per year or $1M Net Worth except your personal home
About you
First Name
Last Name
What was the primary driving force that caused you to respond to learn more?
Helping Seniors
Strong ROI
Recession Proof Asset Class
Compound Interest
Debt Investing
Equity Investing
Cash Flow
Impact / Social Investing
I'm Not An Accredited Investor.... YET
Other Reason
I don't like helping seniors or making above average returns
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What is your PIG ? (Passive Income Goal)
What type of investor best describes you and your investing strategy?
Cash Flow Investor
Passive Investor
Retail Investor
Institutional Investor
Family Office
Connector to Investor
I'm Not An Investor
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When Investing, what is your typical check size?
Under $100,000
$100,000 to 200,000
200,000 to 500,000
500,000 to 1M
1M to 5M
5M to 10M
10M to 20M
20M to 50M
50M to 100M
Over 100M
I don't invest
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List is empty.
When Investing, What is Your Minimum IRR / ROI ?
Under 5%
Over 12%
I don't know
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
What is your Typical Time Horizon when you Invest?
Less than 1 Year
1 to 2 Years
2-3 Years
3-4 Years
4-5 Years
5+ Years
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List is empty.
What College Did you Attend?
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