Note* Vendors may not under any circumstances sell items outside their niche/specialties.
Example: you are a food vendor specializing in hot made to order foods but also selling desserts, drinks, and products.
Hot Food vendors CANNOT sell drinks and desserts.
Drink vendors CANNOT sell food and desserts.
Product vendors CANNOT sell food, drinks and desserts.
Dessert vendors CANNOT sell hot foods, drinks or products.
We require vendors to sell within their niche and specialities. We will only have ONE selected vendor per niche/category in order to keep it fair for everyone.
Please ONLY sell what you have listed and in the category you checked above, we recommend that you vend your best selling items within your category of Food, Packaged Goods, Baked Goods, Product, and Service.
Checking YES means you agree with and will abide by this policy.
*If vendors are not following this request they will be subjected to being placed on our banned vendors list from future VeggyField events.