To confirm, you are filling this out because you want to learn more about 1 on 1 coaching with Bess Coaches, your Menopause Whisperer, correct?
Yes - I am serious and want to learn more about creating long term results
No - I am going to leave this page immediately.
Which of the following best describes your goal with your fitness and nutrition?
I'd like to feel more confident in my own skin.
I'd like my clothes to fit better.
I'd like to build muscle and get stronger.
I'd like to be healthy and live longer.
I'd like to heal and improve my relationship with food.
What makes you interested in a tailored, personality-based approach? What makes this program more compelling than other options to lose weight?
Because I'm tired of spinning my wheels with diets that don't work.
I want something sustainable that works specifically for me.
My instinct tells me there's something internally that's preventing me from seeing the results I want.
If you had a personalized system for learning about menopause and nutrition to improve your health, what would your goal be?
lose weight 10+lbs
lose weight 20+
lose 40+ lbs
I don't care about the number, I just want to look and feel better.
The best fitness and nutrition plan is tailored around the individual and your lifestyle. With that being said, do you work an active job or sedentary job?
It depends on the day
What is your current occupation and how long have you been doing it?
How much progress are you making with your current fitness and nutrition plan?
I don't have a plan right now.
It's very slow and frustrating.
Some progress but room for improvements.
Be 100% honest - what do you think is stopping you from hitting your body composition goals? (The more specific you are here the faster we'll get you clarity during our call together)
If you feel the personalized and metabolic strategy that we map out for you is the right fit for what you're looking for, what is your out-of-pocket budget to invest in your health and fitness?
$500+ per month (I know it's an investment and I'm willing to make it as long as it delivers the results I want)
$300-$400 per month (I know it's an investment and this is what I feel comfortable with)
$200-$300 per month (I know it's an investment but I have to be conservative)
$100-$200 per month (This is all I'm willing to invest in myself)
Full Name
What's your email address for the calendar invite?
What's your phone number
Last question - After completion of this application, your information will be reviewed and I will send back a Loom video going over your information. Will you be able to spend 10-15 minutes watching the Loom and responding to it? We don't want to waste your time or ours.
Yes - I will 100% watch the video and respond
Maybe - I'm not sure if I'm serious