đź‘‹ Hello! Before we get your demo booked, we have a few questions to help us better customize your demo.

Great! Resmark can do all of these things plus hundreds of other tasks for you.

Resmark is able to book and track the availability of individual units but does not currently collect the number of individuals within those units. If this represents a significant portion of your business, Resmark might not be a great fit for you.

Unfortunately, Resmark does not currently handle lodging bookings. If you’re happy to manage your lodging bookings in a separate system, we would love to help you with your activity bookings.

Thanks, we are almost done!

Resmark does not currently handle retail. We generally recommend to our clients that they handle their retail sales in a system designed specifically for retail sales and inventory management. If you’re happy to manage your retail sales in a separate retail system, let’s keep going.

Resmark does a great job with fixed-time rentals like full-day, half-day or week-long rentals, but does not support rentals where the user specifies the pickup and return (like a car rental). If this represents a significant portion of your business, Resmark may not be a great fit for you.

One more question before booking a demo.