Full Name
Which best describes the stage your company is in?
Pre-Launch - We're still trying to figure out exactly what to sell and/or how to sell it.
Startup - We're seeing some early traction, but sales are still inconsistent and/or unpredictable.
ScaleUp - Our business model is proven. It's time to scale!
Mature - Growth is flat or even declining a bit. It's time to try something new
Decline - Sales have been declining steadily for two or more quarters. If we don't ramp our revenue and profitability soon, we'll be forced to make some difficult decisions.
Are you willing to offer help to your fellow members when they ask?
Are you humble enough to ask for help when you need it?
What's your main reason for wanting to join SevenX Club? (Check all that apply)
Expand and share my knowledge.
Build relationships with like-minded individuals.
Get support and accountability when I need it.
Be up-to-date on the latest happenings to help scale my business.