COMPLETE the Survey Request to learn about your weight loss. Plus, discover how you can drop 2lb-5lbs of fat per week with expert advice from a nutritionist at the comfort of your home.

Only 20 questions that you will enjoy responding to. Click Next to get started.

Are you 21 years or older?

We are so happy you reached out and we are here to help with your concerns!

It’s really important to communicate these concerns with your parent or guardian.

Please have them join us for the consultation call. Unfortunately, we cannot proceed without their presence. We look forward to speaking with you both!

What is your age?


What is your accurate HEIGHT with your shoes off?


When did you last weigh yourself?

How much did you weigh?

At what age did you first start to gain this unwanted weight?

What is your target weight?

What do you think you should weigh to be fit and healthy?

The typical dieter rarely desires to let go all their unnecessary over-weight/fat-weight. Most often they believe they are too old to be at a healthy weight, or they just cannot imagine they could ever lose all their unnecessary over-weight/fat-weight

What do you think are the primary reasons for your weight gain?

SOTA says one of the primary causes for weight gain is what we call sophisticated excuses and procrastination. “I will diet and exercise when the kids start school, after christmas, I am too busy now, I will start tomorrow, next week, next month…”

How many different diets have you tried?

Why have these diets not worked for you to either lose weight or to keep it off?

The most common reasons diets have not worked for dieters, Is because they were hungry all the time, they did not feel good on the diet, the diet was too complicated to fit into a busy lifestyle, frequent travel messed up their dieting attempts, the diet was confusing and not practical, they got bored with the diet because the weight loss was so slow, they did not have an experienced coach, they lost the weight but there was no maintenance program afterward so they gained their weight back again

What is the strength of your desire to drop this unwanted weight?  0-10

SOTA nutritionists do not start new clients onto the program if they are not mentally emotionally ready. Being ready is defined as a strong state of desire with motivation for positive change. Just because a person is not ready for dramatic change today, does not mean they won’t be ready at some time in their future

What are some strong MOTIVATIONS you can think of that could boost your desire for your weight loss success? (Such as family reunion, pool party, class reunion, family holidays, making my kids proud of mom/dad)

Those who are selected by SOTA nutritionists as a good candidate for care, are those new clients who have 100% desire with strong motivation. These new clients will then find their course of care to be easy, fun, and  exciting, with a faster weight loss experience.  A positive mental attitude is essential. If we were to start someone who is not mentally emotionally ready, it becomes a challenge for our team to manage, and this person is at high risk to struggle

What is needed in a diet program for you to realistically make it work for you?

SOTA does believe that many diets fail the dieter! This is a fact. Being hungry/starved on a diet will never work, a slow weekly weight loss experience is boring. The SOTA diet system has ample result proofs, with over 8,700 client satisfaction reviews, including proofs of SOTA’s healthy dietary protocol, reflected in the after-results of a thousand client photos.

It is important for you to know the diet system you are counting on actually works. SOTA is the # 1 weight loss program in America for client satisfaction and client results.

What HEALTH conditions are you taking medications for?

As you slim-down SOTA-style, you will need to have your doctor on board to reduce your medication dosages as you drop the fat-weight. SOTA dietary protocol targets fat-weight, not muscle weight, which is why SOTA clients look so good in their after photos. SOTA clients do age regress a decade or more in how they look and feel, & SOTA has the proof.

Best Day for your SOTA nutritionist to contact you?

Best time to be contacted on Monday:

What other Day(s) work well for your nutritionist callback.

Best time(s) to be contacted during the saturday, according to your time zone?

Best time(s) to be contacted during the week, according to your time zone?

In Which City And State Are You Located In?


Which SOTA IN-OFFICE Location is most convenient for you?


How did you hear about us?

Which radio station?

How did you hear about us?

Which radio station?

How did you hear about us?

Which radio station?

How did you hear about us?

Are you ready for a SOTA Transformation?

Your nutritionist is excited to connect! What influenced your decision to learn more about SOTA today?

The SOTA System has circumvented all the troubling issues of dieting and removed the obstacles that cause struggle. We make it easy and convenient, with a faster weekly weight loss result. When you reach Ideal/healthy weight you become eligible for SOTA Weekly/Monthly Maintenance Accountability Weigh-ins, which over time, conditions the habits and behaviors necessary for weight loss for life Mastery.

A SOTA nutritionist will study your request survey.  She will text you prior to your best call day & time.

SOTA nutritionists are very selective, they will never bug you. They sincerely desire to help you.

By checking this box, you OPT-IN to receive SOTA SMS/Text TIPS, updates, notifications, educational information. SOTA Weightloss does not and will not sell or share your name, number or email.