Do you currently have qualified Mental Health First Aiders in your organisation
Not Sure
Do your Team Leaders have any kind of Mental Health training?
Yes all of them - It's mandatory
Most of them - It's voluntary
Some of them do
Not Sure
Is basic Mental Health Awareness training offered to all the team?
Yes - It's mandatory
Yes - It's voluntary
Only offered to some
Not offered at all
Not sure
How recently have your qualified Mental Health First Aiders either completed their qualification or attended a refresher course?
All in the past 3 years
Over 3 years ago
Mixed. Some in the last 3 years and some over 3 years ago
We don't have Mental Health First Aiders
Have the team been told that there are Mental Health First Aiders in the organisation?
Yes - And regularly reminded
Yes - Maybe once or twice
No - But we're planning to
No - It's a discrete support
I'm not sure
We don't have them
Has the team received information or training about the role of Mental Health First Aiders, what support they can give and how they can reach out to one?
Yes - All of the above
A little bit
No / We don't have them
I'm not sure
Which of the following happens in your organisation? Select all that apply, select none and next if you don't have any.
There are up to date lists of Mental Health First Aiders visible to the team
There is an up to date list of Mental Health First Aiders on the staff portal
Mental Health First Aiders show the logo on their email signature
Lanyards are worn by Mental Health First Aiders to identify them
How to access Mental Health First Aid is covered in employee inductions
Line managers are given basic training on how to access Mental Health First Aid
None of the above
Do you record each time a Mental Health First Aider engages with a team member about their mental health?
No/ We don't have Mental Health First Aiders
Not Sure
Do you review common themes and concerns raised by the team to Mental Health First Aiders on at least a quarterly basis?
No/Don't collect Data or have Mental Health First Aiders
What percentage of your team do you think would be likely to seek help from a Mental Health First Aider if they were struggling? Choose from 1~100. (If you don't have any Mental Health First Aiders, type 1)
Does your business have a specific Mental Health and/or Wellbeing strategy?
Don't know
Who and what data was included in the creation and updating of your wellbeing strategy? Select all that apply
HR team
Wellbeing Champions
Employee survey data
All employees
We don't have a strategy
Does your organisation do any of the following when it comes to Mental Health in the workplace? Select all that apply.
Encourage the team to engage in awareness days
Specifically ask about wellbeing during 1-1s and reviews
Conduct wellbeing surveys
Have leadership buy in for wellbeing initiatives
Record reason for absenteeism data
Conduct exit interviews
None of the above
Do your Mental Health First Aiders represent the diversity of your organisation? Select all that apply, select none and next if you don't have any Mental Health First Aiders.
Sexual orientation
Office locations
Congrats on Completing our Mental Health Quiz!
From the answers you gave, it's possible your workplace could benefit from a Mental Health First Aid course. But first we need to analyse your answers in more detail.
Please provide your email and we’ll be back to you shortly with a personalised response to your answers.
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