Partnership Enquiry


Are you filling this out as:

About your business/company:

Type in your Business/Company Name above.
Size of your company*
Pick your companies size above.
Which industry does your company operate in?*
Pick your companies industry above.

What role do you foresee Neuphoria playing in your life?

Tick all boxes that apply to you:

What role do you foresee Neuphoria technology playing in your company?

Tick all boxes that apply to your business:

If interested in a study or partnership, what specific objectives are you hoping to achieve using

Neuphoria’s technology?

What timeline are you considering for implementing or collaborating with Neuphoria?

Select timeline here*

What budget range are you considering for this collaboration?

Select budget here*

How did you hear about Neuphoria?

Tick all boxes where you remember seeing neuphoria the first time:

Please share any additional information or questions you have: