Are you currently getting any leads from marketing online?
If so, which platform(s) are you using? (Facebook, Google, etc)
What kind of martial arts business do you have? What do you teach? What age groups?
How's your martial arts business doing? Most studio owners are at 1 of 3 places:
Launching (Under $10k per month)
Growing ($10k - $50k per month)
Scaling ($50k+ per month)
Other - I'm not a martial arts studio owner
Tell me about yourself... whats your name?
If you are struggling to get new students from online marketing or if you are just getting started, tell me a little about the challenges you have encountered with the process so far..
Do you have a website?
If so, what's your site name?
What would be your dream scenario - where would you love to see your martial arts business in 12 months?
If you could start getting new students every month would you be interested?
Maybe - Not sure
Could you handle an influx of new students in your martial arts business with your current infrastructure?
Not Sure
What's your best email?
If you'd like to do a free brainstorm session to map out your Marketing Plan for your martial arts business, what's your best phone number for the call?
Your Facebook profile: