Power Marketing Agency Business Development Quiz

QUESTION 1 - Innovations

How many specific and easily identifiable INNOVATIONS do you have in your company that separate you from competitors in the marketplace?  (It is not enough to be better than your competition if you can’t define or name the actual innovation that makes you better.  Pepsi and Coke are the same. Most plumbers and attorneys are all the same).

QUESTION 2 - Platitudes

Do you use platitudes in your messaging, advertising, and sales processes in order to promote your business?

Question 3 - Strategic Marketing Consulting

Have you ever had an actual strategic marketing consultation with a professional business development consultant?

QUESTION 4 - Use of Video

How extensive is the use of video in your company?

QUESTION 5 - Sales System

Do you have a strategically designed systematized sales process?

QUESTION 6 - Messaging

Who created the messaging for your company, your products, and your services?

QUESTION 7 - Branding

How would you rate your company’s branding?

QUESTION 8 - Automation

How effectively are you using online sales and marketing automation tools?


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