First Name
Last Name
How Much Will You Have For A Down Payment? Our Rent Live Own Homeownership Program requires a minimum downpayment of $10,000 or 3% of the purchase price. The down payment can be borrowed or gifted from friends and family.
Nothing Right Now
Less than $10,000
$10,000 to $20,000
$20,000 to $35,000
$35,000 to $50,000
$50,000 or more
What is your main source of income? Please check all that apply!
Employed (Salary or Wage)
Salary Plus Commission
Self Employed
Receiving Pension
Permanent Disability (ODSP)
Child Support Income
Monthly Budget for Rent?
Less than $1,500
$1,500 to $2,000
$2,000 to $2,500
$2,500 to $3,000
$3,000, to $3,500
$3,500 or more
Have you ever claimed bankruptcy or consumer proposal?
No I have never claimed bankruptcy or consumer proposal
yes, but I have been discharged
Yes and is still active
Are you currently working with a Real Estate Agent? If you already have a relationship with a realtor we encourage you to work alongside them to find your dream home to provide the best possible home buying experience.
If Yes, who are you working with?
What city(s) are you looking to purchases in?
Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?
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