Medical Questionnaire

Please fill in this Standard Medical Questionnaire and submit it back to us. This will allow us to see if you will qualify for Cover.
Note; If there are more than 1 person applying for cover, then both need to fill out the application.
Medical History
Have you ever had any of the following?

31. Have you ever had any of the following;

33. Have you ever had any of the following?

Recent Medical Issues

36. Apart from anything you have already told us about, during the last 3 years have you:

36(d) Please give details of the relative(s) in question;

37. COVID-19

2nd Person Medical Information
Please fill out the following information for the second person on the policy:
2nd Person Medical Hisory
7. Have you ever had any of the following?
10. Have you ever had any of the following?
2nd Person Recent Medical Issues
12. Apart from anything you have already told us about, during the last 3 years have you:
2nd Person Family History
13. Please fill out the family medical history questions below for the 2nd person on this policy.
23. Please give details of the relative(s) in question;
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Hit Submit to save your data.