Tell me about your Tattoo idea in a few words. Do you have a specific idea and style you want?

Click the NEXT Button below right when you are ready to go to the next question.

Enter your contact info so I can get back to you!

Click the NEXT Button below right when you are ready to go to the next question.

May I contact you about this?

Check this box to confirm that you've read and accepted our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. By providing your contact details, you're allowing us to communicate with you about your tattoo consultation and appointment scheduling through phone, email, or text messages. You can opt out of these communications anytime. We prioritize your privacy and will not share your personal information with third parties. πŸ”’

Click the NEXT Button below right when you are ready to go to the next question.

I love to know where my customers are from, but it also helps with planning appointments to know if you are coming from nearby or will visiting us from further afield.

Skin color does matter for certain types of tattoos, especially color tattoos, so knowing this helps me to properly design and prepare your tattoo.

Do you have any images of tattoos or other artistic references for your tattoo idea that you can share with me? If so, how many? Select one of the options below πŸ‘‡

Please select your desired artist from the list below. If you do not know, select the first option "I'm not sure" and I will guide you when we talk! The minimum fee or hourly rate for each artist is noted next their name.

This is just a rough indication, so give me a more-or-less time frame. It is not binding, we will talk about it again when I contact you. If you don't know you can skip this question.

This question is optional, you can skip it if you have nothing to add. Hit the Submit Button when you are ready to complete this form. I will send you a confirmation email.

Please wait for the confirmation page to load once you hit the submit button! It can take a while if you have included reference images.