You acknowledge that you commit to purchasing this program as a whole. Monthly payment options are offered as a courtesy to you, the Participant, but do not negate your financial commitment to pay the total of the amount of the program. Exiting the program before the 1 month period is over does not negate your financial commitment for the entire program. No refunds will be made, and any remaining payments will be charged in full. Alex’s Dog Training reserves the right to charge the full amount of the program at any time.
* Private training sessions as part of the program will be scheduled once the program has started, and may or may not be at regular intervals throughout the program. Once scheduled a training session cannot be canceled by the Participant (but may be rescheduled as outlined below). If the participant does not attend a training session they will not be refunded in any amount for said session. Alex’s Dog Training reserves the right to reschedule at any time and for any reason. If Alex’s Dog Training reschedules a training session we will work with the Participant to find another date for the training session.
*You will receive weekly in person training sessions during the program for a total of 4 training sessions.
* In the event that the Participant desires to reschedule a training session, notice of at least 24 hours must be given. If there are no available times to reschedule to, the client can either keep their initial time slot or lose the session with no reimbursement, financial or otherwise. By accepting these terms and conditions the Participant acknowledges that no refunds will be made for any reason. This is a commitment to completing the program as a whole.