
Welcome to the Modern Proverbs 31 Woman Self-Assessment!

This 20-question assessment will help you discover how you're already embodying biblical womanhood and identify areas where God might be calling you to grow. Remember, the Proverbs 31 woman didn't wake up that way - she developed these qualities over time through faithful obedience.

Are you already with Plexus?

For the following questions, pick the answer that sounds most like you.

Let's begin >>>

I consistently spend time in God's Word and prayer each day.

1 of 20

I evaluate my decisions based on biblical principles rather than cultural norms.

2 of 20

I actively seek God's wisdom before making important choices.

3 of 20

My relationship with God influences how I manage my daily responsibilities.

4 of 20

I have clear systems and routines that help me manage my home efficiently.

5 of 20

I prioritize creating value over consuming content in my daily activities.

6 of 20

I maintain healthy boundaries between work and rest.

7 of 20

I intentionally develop both my physical and spiritual strength.

8 of 20

I complete tasks with excellence, not just to check boxes.

9 of 20

I manage our family's resources with wisdom and intention.

10 of 20

I look for opportunities to create additional value for others.

11 of 20

I make strategic decisions about how to invest my time and energy.

12 of 20

I practice regular generosity with our resources.

13 of 20

I understand my unique value and can communicate it effectively.

14 of 20

I create meaningful moments with my family amid daily tasks.

15 of 20

I delegate appropriately so I can focus on what matters most.

16 of 20

I maintain strong relationships while pursuing my goals.

17 of 20

I am fully engaged when spending time with my family.

18 of 20

I have clear priorities that guide my daily decisions.

19 of 20

I intentionally build habits that will create a lasting legacy.

20 of 20