Applicants must be 18 or over
You agree to set up a Justgiving link for the Global Rhamah Foundation and raise a minimum of £5,000 before the chosen deployment.
Please note there is a £200 deployment contribution (registration fee) payable by every volunteer upon reaching your target before travel (this doesn’t cover but only contributes to some deployment expenses including accommodation, travel insurance, food & other expenses).
You must have a valid passport with at least 6 months before expiry and be over the age of 18 to join our deployments.
Global Rahmah Foundation reserves the right to withdraw you from deployment if any concerns arise. No refunds will be issued on any funds raised and the donations will be used for the causes highlighted in the Deployment Handbook (which will be sent to you).
Global Rahmah Foundation reserves the right to cancel, alter or postpone any deployment.