Please Complete this Form

Preschool Preferences

If you answered yes to any of the questions in this section, you may be eligible for free preschool and community resources. Please fill in as much of the following information you feel comfortable in completing. Thank you.

Preschool Preferences Continued

Malheur County - Rank up to three participating providers where you are interested in enrolling:

Preschool Preferences Continued

Baker County - Rank up to three participating providers where you are interested in enrolling:

Preschool Preferences Continued

Wallowa County - Rank up to three participating providers where you are interested in enrolling:


Do you have a preschool preference not listed on the previous page?

Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Parent/Guardian Information

Contact Preferences


Child #1 Information


Child #2 Information

Parent/ Guardian Signature

By signing this screening form, I understand and agree that the information on this form may be shared with entities and individuals involved in the Coordinated Enrollment Networks, including preschool providers, Preschool Promise programs, Early Learning Hubs, Education Service Districts, Child Care Resource & Referral, Public School Districts, Oregon Pre-Kindergarten and Federal Head Start Programs, for the purpose of matching families with services and programs that best meet the needs of children at the family request.

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