Owner's Information
Dog's Information
Altered (#1)
Altered (#2)
Altered (#3)
Training Goals

Alex's Dog Training Service Contract

Liability Waiver and Policies

1. General: The undersigned (“you” or “Participant”) acknowledges that he/she is voluntarily participating in dog training provided by Alex’s Dog Training with knowledge of the potential dangers of working with and training dogs.  Any injuries to the participant or others are not the liability of Alex’s Dog Training.

  • You acknowledge that you are participating in an online training sessions with Alex’s Dog Training.  Alex’s Dog Training will provide you with training information and assist through virtual calls as you implement said training information.  You acknowledge that you will attend the training sessions fully prepared to accomplish homework assignments, and that by beginning this program you take full responsibility for your dog, as well as your dog’s behavior and training.

  • Participant will schedule training sessions based on Alex’s Dog Training’s trainer availability.  Payment is due upon scheduling a training session.

  • Payments will be completed through a platform chosen by Alex’s Dog Training.

  • Payment for training session is non refundable.  Should a session be canceled, the participant will have a one session credit that must be used within 6 months. Training sessions may be canceled or rescheduled by participant only if notice is given at least 24 hours before appointment.  If a lesson is canceled or rescheduled within 24 hours of the appointment the payment for said training session will not be put towards other training sessions.  If the participant does not attend a training session they will not be refunded in any amount for said session.  Alex’s Dog Training reserves the right to reschedule at any time and for any reason.  If Alex’s Dog Training must reschedule a training session we will work with the Participant to find another date for the training session.  

  •  You acknowledge that any and all photos or videos taken by Alex’s Dog Training or sent to Alex’s Dog Training by the participant in any form, i.e. electronic or other, are property of Alex’s Dog Training and that Alex’s Dog Training may use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that Alex’s Dog Training may use such photographs of me and/or my pet with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including, for example, such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.

  • You acknowledge that these training sessions are intended for the use of responsible adults and by signing you acknowledge that you are over 18 and consent to taking on yourself the risks and responsibilities associated with said training sessions, and any participation in or use of this training by minors or any persons that are not fully of sound mind is at your own risk.  You acknowledge that Alex’s Dog Training cannot be held responsible for the risks associated with minors or unsound persons participating in this training.  Participation in these sessions is limited to those who have purchased the training session or live in the household of the purchaser of said session.  Each person participating in training must sign this waiver.

  • You acknowledge that this agreement and training sessions shall be governed by the laws of the state of New Hampshire.  

  • You recognize that the role you play in your dog’s learning process is integral to achieving desired results. You acknowledge and agree that there is no guarantee that your dog will achieve any desired level of training, despite the best efforts of Alex’s Dog Training. You further understand that the recommendation of any other product or service by Alex’s Dog Training is not a guarantee of satisfaction with that product or service.  You acknowledge that you fully understand that Alex’s Dog Training has not represented, promised, guaranteed, or warrantied that said dog can be trained, that said dog will not be dangerous or vicious in the future, that said dog will not exhibit other behavioral problems, or that the training will last for any particular amount of time.  

● You acknowledge that this is strictly online training. There will be no training performed in person.

● Alex’s Dog Training is not qualified to advise on veterinary and canine health practices including but not limited to medication and diet, human/owner physical or mental health practices, or anything outside the topic and aim of this dog training program. Anything discussed outside of dog training is strictly the personal opinion of the members, employees, trainers, volunteers, etc. of Alex’s Dog Training and Alex’s Dog Training or its members, employees, trainers, volunteers, etc. are not responsible for said opinions.