Business Information
Business Owner Information
FICO Score
Does this business have a second owner who holds over 20%?*
Second Owner Information
FICO Score
Financial Information
Lease or Own Business Location?
Please use the fields below to upload your last three most recent business bank statements
By signing below, each of the above listed business and business owner/officer (individually and collectively, “you”) authorize Skyinance Inc and each of its representatives, successors, assigns and designees (“Recipients”) to obtain consumer or personal, business and investigative reports and other information about you, including credit card processor statements and bank statements, from one or more consumer reporting agencies, such as TransUnion, Experian and Equifax, and from other credit bureaus, banks, creditors and other third parties. You also authorize Skyinance to transmit this application form, along with any of the foregoing information obtained in connection with this application, to any or all of the Recipients for the foregoing purposes. You also consent to the release, by any creditor or financial institution, of any information relating to any of you, to Skyinance Inc and to each of the Recipients, on its own behalf. By clicking “submit” you (i) consent to receiving calls and text/SMS messages or emails, including from an automatic dialing system or other similar system for marketing purposes, from Skyinance or its agents or affiliates at the telephone number(s) provided, including your mobile number; and (ii) acknowledge that this represents your electronic signature.