
What's your financial personality?
Let's find out...

This questionnaire was designed to help you identify your financial personality. Understanding your particular needs also will allow your financial professional to better understand you, and in turn, better understand your decision-making process and personal approach to planning for your financial future.

✍️ Grab a pen a paper and record so you can track your answers. Please take your time and carefully answer each of the following seven questions.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Understanding Your Financial Personality

When interpreting your results, please keep in mind that you are the best judge of the accuracy of a personality description that reflects your financial behavior. If your point score falls toward the end of the range of points for a particular financial personality and you feel that behavioral description does not accurately portray you, read the personality description that follows it to determine if it is a better fit.

Record and calculate your financial personality score using the answers above and the following scale:

👉 Strongly Agree: 5 Points
👉 Somewhat Agree : 4 Points
👉 Neutral: 3 Points
👉 Somewhat Disagree: 2 Points
👉 Strongly Disagree: 1 Point

Read about your financial personality below:

Financial Personalities

The 5 emerging roles of financially empowered women

1. Financial Initiator

You are self-assured, empowered, and optimistic in most of your endeavors. Specifically, you are extremely sophisticated in your financial knowledge and confident in your ability to make independent, informed financial decisions. You are quite clear about your financial goals and typically know how to achieve them. You take initiative to work with a financial professional you feel has the necessary industry experience and expertise to provide you exceptional guidance.

2. Financial Analyzer

You have a good understanding of household finances and take initiative in thoroughly researching investment opportunities and tracking financial results. You are a comparison shopper, an avid saver, and rarely purchase something you cannot afford. Your behavior is reflective of an analytical and disciplined approach to making decisions. Chances are you have worked with a financial professional in the past. However, when selecting a financial professional, it is important to you to work with someone who includes you and collaborates with you.

3. Financial Collaborator

You are extremely balanced in your life. When in a relationship, you are healthy, happy, and cooperative. You provide your family financial comfort and stability. You are confident in your ability to understand and resolve financial issues. However, you prefer not to be the primary decision-maker. Even though you may not always choose to be in the forefront, you and your partner share equally in all financial decisions and actions, including working with a financial professional.

4. Financial Avoider

You are concerned about your current finances and your financial future. However, you don't feel confident enough in your financial knowledge to make informed, independent decisions to resolve your financial problems. You often feel overwhelmed by all the choices and potential solutions available to you. You know that you would benefit by seeking the help of a financial professional. You just have trouble taking the first step.

5. Financial Dreamer

You have not had a confident history with money. In fact, you may not have had the opportunity to be responsible for your own money and investing in the past, and as a result, may feel intimidated when it comes to managing your own finances. Because you lack experience and knowledge, you may feel helpless and hope that someone else will "take care of you." In fact, if you are in a relationship, you usually defer all financial matters to your partner. You have the most to gain by consulting with a financial professional with whom you feel comfortable and whom you can trust.

Now that you have a better understanding of your unique financial personality, you can become more in tune with your behaviors as they relate to money and finances.

This knowledge will position you to take the next step of working with a financial professional and will help you assume control of your financial future.

Thank you for completing this quiz!