Years In Business
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0-1 years
2-4 years
5-9 years
10+ years
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What % of your business is residential?
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What % of your business is storm/insurance related?
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What has led you to seeking out help? (Check all that apply)
Struggling to Scale: I am having trouble growing my business and managing it all.
Inconsistent Sales: I face challenges with fluctuating sales and want more predictable profit.
Lack of Effective Marketing: I am unsure how to market my services effectively to attract more and better clients.
Need for Better Profit Margins: I am working hard but not seeing the financial rewards; I need to improve my profit margins.
Can't Find Good People: I find it hard to find, motivate, and retain good employees.
Lack of Clear Business Strategy: I feel like I'm reacting day-to-day rather than following a strategic plan.
Need for Professional Guidance and Support: I am looking for expert advice to guide me through business decisions and growth.
Desire for Work-Life Balance: I want to manage my business in a way that allows me more personal and family time without sacrificing success.
Feeling Overwhelmed: I wear too many hats and need systems to help manage my roles more effectively.
Uncertainty About Financial Planning: I am not confident in my financial planning and need help setting up a proper structure.
To achieve your goals, are you prepared to make an investment in your company's growth and systematization?
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