[Program Name] DHS ITP Technical Evaluation and Design (TED) Team Market Research

Would your firm be interested in teaming on this requirement is issued under your (Agency) Contract? *

[Program Name] DHS ITP Technical Evaluation and Design (TED) Team Market Research

Please identify the TOP (3) [NAICS] and (Agency) CPARS and PPQ Contracts  your company holds and are relevant to this requirement. If you selected  "Other GSA Contract or BPA" please explain in the Optional Feedback  section.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Please indicate all SINS, Pools, or Service Areas that apply to this  requirement. If you selected "Other" please explain in the Optional Feedback  section. 

Detailed Task Requirements and CPARS / PPQ performance areas.

Please indicate all Requirements Data that apply to this requirement. If  you selected "Other" please explain in the Optional Feedback section.

Company Information: Please complete all the information below to the best of your ability. If you  have questions about your contact information. 

We are asking for URLs to your FPDS spending,  https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/ please only provide URLs,  non-URLs will be deleted. 

URL Here:

If an email is not provided, your company will not receive a receipt of your  response or the Agency POC once this RFI closes. 

[Program Name] DHS ITP Technical Evaluation and Design (TED) Team Market Research

Please indicate the size of your business. 

Please select all socio-economic categories that apply to your business. 

Please note, your company must be recognized as 1 or more of these  designations under your GSA Contract for you to select it. Data is validated  prior to reports being issued. 

Socio-economic description Key: 

w - Woman Owned business. 
wo - Women Owned Small business (WOSB) 

ew - Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small business

v - Veteran Owned Small business 

dv - Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small business 

d - SBA Certified Small Disadvantaged business 

8a - SBA Certified 8(a) Firm 

h - SBA Certified HUBZone Firm 

[Program Name] DHS ITP Technical Evaluation and Design (TED) Team Market Research

Technical [Yes/No] Questions - In the Past 5 years does your firm  have relevant experience providing the following: 

You can explain your response in the PDF capability document below.

Please do not include a corporate capabilities statement, if the  Capabilities information is filled out below. We will include this  information in the report to the Agency. This section is only for  questions or feedback to the Agency about this requirement.   

Capability Website Address: Please provide a URL to your capability  website for your company. This website may be used instead of the file  below and/or in combination with the file above. 

Optional Capabilities Statement: Capabilities Statements should include relevant experience, relevant  experience are projects that are similar to the described requirements that  have occurred in the past 5 years.

Please include at most 3 relevant projects  and the following information: