First Name
Last Name
Are there any points of “frustration” when booking floats OR when coming in for your float sessions?
What type of products would you like to see offered on our retail display?
Scented CBD Infused Epsom Salt
CBD Honey
Hair Care
Organic Bath Products
Essential Oils
Reishi Mushroom Chamomile Tea
Lion's Mane Tinctures
Electrolyte Mixes/Drinks
What type of products would you like to see offered on our retail display NOT LISTED ABOVE?
How did floating meet your expectations?
What current challenges are you facing in your life right now that encourage you to float?
Complete the following sentence, “When I float, i benefit because __________”
How long after first hearing about floating did it take for you to float?
Not long - I purchased almost instantly after hearing about it
A few days
One week
One month
I still have not had my float
What made you choose GoFloat over one of our competitors in the area?
How likely are you to recommend GoFloat to a friend or family member?
Not Likely
Very Likely
What do you like most about floating?
What are the top 5 websites you visit on a regular basis?
What are the top 5 podcasts you listen to on a regular basis?
What are your favourite 5 instagram accounts/influencers you follow?