Fempreneur True Confessions Podcast Sponsorship Form


Thank you for your interest in sponsoring our podcast.

This form contains all the information we will need to set you up as a sponsor.

We're looking forward to partnering with you!

Lora & Angelic

The Vision & Mission for the Podcast

Our vision for the podcast is to normalize and authentically model the struggles of female entrepreneurs, like ourselves, and what it looks like to support each other versus competing with each other. We also want to normalize the modeling of an abundance mindset not only for our business, but our life.

Our Mission Statement is, "To empower women in business and in life to live authentically and to support each other instead of competing with each other. To model this in our business and personal relationships to empower other women to do the same. To normalize the struggles and share the lessons learned with the common goal of lifting other women up and never tearing them down. To normalize what it looks like when women succeed at supporting each other, building up our confidence and other's, as we use our gifts and passions to fulfill our life’s calling. To build, maintain, and grow a sisterhood that believes in an abundance mindset, sharing our struggles as well as our victories, and helping each other rise to our highest potential. To lead through action, open communication, and to hold space for each other.

Our Key Values are:
✨ Authenticity
✨ Servant Leadership
✨ Trustworthiness
✨ Community
✨ Abundance

We are women business owners, just like you, here to discuss and share our experiences; the successes, and the struggles, we've had along the way to encourage and uplift our fellow female entrepreneurs.

We want to model how to live and speak our truth to empower other fempreneurs.

We aren't just here to talk about the victories and successes, but to be vulnerable and transparent in the truth-telling of our failures and struggles as well.

We want to build a safe platform and community where our voices can be supportive and raw, encouraging and transparent about the good, the bad, and the ugly of being a female entrepreneur today.

We speak truth, not negativity.
We hold space, do not judge, only support.
We are not here to change your story. We will strive to remain positive in our words and mindset.

Our audience is comprised of women and men, seasoned professionals, as well as newbies, who understand and align with our Vision, Mission, and Values. Our audience is inclusive to all humans ready to support each other's journey to their version of success.

A few questions for you

Please provide as much detail as possible, so that we can craft the best ad(s) for your episode(s).

Tell Us About Your Business

We want to help listeners understand you, your business and your industry at a deeper level. We will get to the mundane stuff later - website, etc.

Our aim is to provide ad content that:
- is engaging and relatable
- resonates with our listeners on a deep and authentic level, whether professionally or personally
- inspires and supports them on their journey

💡Tip: You can edit your responses after submitting the form, so just add some placeholder text if you don't have time to finish it now.

Practical Information

Upload 1 supported file: PDF or document. Max 10 MB.
Upload 1 supported file: image. Max 10 MB.

Before You Go

What Happens Next?  

After you hit the Submit button below, there will be a link to schedule a call with us so that we can answer any questions you have and process payment. If none of the times work for you, just let us know. You can email us at [email protected].

We will be in touch soon!


Lora & Angelic