Contact information
First Name
Last Name
Traveler information
Number of travelers
Number of adults
Number of children and age at time of travel
Number of rooms needed
Travel details
What would you like us to quote? Select any that apply
Vacation Home or Villa
Sporting Event
Travel details
Reason for travel (Anniversary, birthday etc.)
Accommodations (Standard room, ocean front, etc.)
Hotel preference
Choose the option that describes you best
$ - Give me the cheapest place to stay - I'm willing to sacrifice location/quality for price
$$ - I want a good location and nicer place for a little extra $
$$$ - I want the best location & top notch place to stay & I'm willing to pay to get it
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Do you need to rent a car?
I need to rent a car
I need ground transfer
Not sure yet
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Departure information
Departure information (City, state, or N/A if no flight needed)
Departure date
Return date
Dates flexible? (If we are able to get a better deal)
Flight day/time preference
$ - Lowest price regardless of day/time
$$ - Willing to upgrade price some for better day/time
$$$ - I want the best day/time & I'm willing to pay to get it
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Are you interested in travel insurance? Declining travel insurance could make you vulnerable to risk of cancellation, emergency medical risks and expenses, delayed or lost baggage, unconventional risk?
What describes you best when it comes to planning this trip?
I don't have time to plan a trip, just do it for me
I'm overwhelmed with researching a trip, just do it for me
I can plan some things but I want expert help
I am a planner and mainly want to compare prices
Please include anything extra such as desired resort/hotel/airline/cruise line choices, activities, or whatever will make your experience as amazing as possible!
If you were referred to us, who may we thank for the referral?
Frye Escapes offers professional quotes and consultations for $100 per person. Our services include finding/recommending the best properties for you, along with helping to navigate the ever-changing rules of travel, including the latest updates from the tour operators, airlines, and resorts in addition to the entry requirements per destination. Once you fill out this form and agree to the terms and conditions, a consultation phone call will be set up. During that phone call, if both parties decide to move forward, your preliminary quote will be emailed within 48-72 hours. While we know that anyone can book for themselves using the internet, our professional services ensure that you will not be alone with your vacation. If any issues arise, we are the ones to handle those for you every step of the way.
I am excited to have my vacation planned by Frye Escapes!