Trusting AI in Sales, Support, and Customer Success Programs

Instructions for Participants:

Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Your responses will remain confidential and be used to improve AI integration in sales, support, and customer success programs.

This survey aims to provide insights into how potential and current users of AI technologies view their implementation in critical customer-facing roles, identifying both the opportunities and challenges in fostering trust and acceptance.

Section 1 of 6: Background Information

e.g., voice chatbot, web chatbots, text chatbots, messenger chatbot, etc.
(Not familiar at all, Somewhat familiar, Moderately familiar, Very familiar)

Section 2 of 6: Utilization and Trust

On a scale of 1 to 5
On a scale of 1 to 5
On a scale of 1 to 5
What factors influence your trust in AI for these purposes?

Section 3 of 6: Concerns and Expectations

Section 4 of 6: Future Perspectives

Do you believe AI will eventually replace human roles in sales, support, and customer success programs?

Section 5 of 6: Final Thoughts

Section 6 of 6: Demographics

Would you like to be contacted about Conversational AI?

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