
Empowering Veteran Women Entrepreneurs

To Our Sisters-in-Arms,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this empowering experience. Your feedback is crucial in helping us understand the landscape for veteran women entrepreneurs and your unique journey.


Veteran women entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in our business landscape, driving innovation, economic growth, and employment opportunities. Despite your invaluable contributions, we know you often encounter unique obstacles on your path to success. To better understand and address these challenges, we are conducting a targeted survey aimed specifically at you—veteran women business owners.


The HerVoice survey seeks to glean insights into your experiences, needs, and aspirations of entrepreneurs. By delving into your challenges and resource requirements, we will be armed with the data to craft tailored initiatives and programs to bolster your success.

Specifically, the survey aims to:

Identify Barriers:

Illuminating the primary challenges faced by veteran women entrepreneurs.

Access to Resources:

Evaluating the availability of essential resources such as capital, training, and knowledge/access to contracting opportunities.

Inform Policy and Programs:

Advocating for targeted policies and programs that address the unique needs of veteran women entrepreneurs.

Foster Collaborations:

Facilitating strategic partnerships to enhance support networks for veteran women entrepreneurs.

Benefits of Participation - Influence Change, Access Resources, Network, Visibility, Recognition and Community Empowerment:

  • Your voice can directly impact the development of policies and programs supporting the entrepreneur ecosystem for veteran women owned businesses.

  • Your voice will provide insight that can guide the creation of tailored initiatives to address identified gaps in services and support.

  • Your voice creates a community of shared experiences, and the opportunity to connect with peers, experts, and support organizations across the nation.

  • Your voice will aid in raising awareness of the true impact of veteran women owned businesses and create enhanced opportunities to highlight your contributions.

  • Your voice contributes to amplifying our narrative, advocating for relevant resources, and drive positive change within the veteran women entrepreneur community.

The HerVoice survey presents a unique opportunity to shape the future of support and enhance our entrepreneur ecosystem. We encourage all veteran women entrepreneurs to let your voice be heard and join us in forging a more inclusive and supportive environment for your entrepreneur journey.

Statistical data underscores the significance of veteran women entrepreneurs. With approximately 2.05 million women veterans in the United States, comprising nearly 10% of the total veteran population, and an estimated 15.2% of all veteran-owned businesses being women-owned, generating billions in annual revenue, the impact of veteran women entrepreneurs cannot be overstated.

The narrative for veteran women entrepreneurs is yours to create. Let your voice be heard!

Tell Us About Yourself

Business Composition

Primary Business Industry

Primary Business Industry

Veteran and Women Owned Business Support

Military Service and Entrepreneurship

Business Challenges and Impact

Business Challenges and Impact (CONT.)

Access to Capital and Contracts

Access to Capital and Contracts (CONT.)

Access to Capital and Contracts (CONT.)

Technical Assistance Needs

Technology Adoption

Business Growth and Development

Family Support and Workplace Policies

Training and Education

Training and Education (CONT.)

Networking and Collaboration

Community Involvement

Success Metrics and Overall Satisfaction

Long Term Goals

Succession Planning

Thank you!

If interested/willing to be contacted by phone, please share your number below.