Before you start...

Estimated Time to Complete: 10 - 20 minutes

Please take a moment to gather the necessary information before starting. Below is an outline of what the form will ask for, along with details on the information you should prepare in advance:

Personal Information: Full name, address, contact details

Business Details: Business name, contact information, website URL

Ad Preferences: Target areas, demographics, budgets, email lists

Business Documents: Registration documents, IDs, credit card information

Access: Google Ads account access

Please note: This form needs to be completed in one session as it cannot be saved midway through. Ensure you have all the required information at hand before starting.

Your Contact Info (just for our records)

Community Contact Info

This information will be used to customize your campaigns.

Community Contact Information

To make sure we have information for all your communities, please provide information for each one in this form. In each question field, just press the "Enter" or "Return" key to add extra details on a new line, keeping them separate for each community.

Ad Campaign Preferences

If you signed up with multiple communities, please answer these questions for ALL your communities by using the "Enter" or "Return" key to add extra details on a new line, keeping them separate for each community.

Verification Documents

Google sometimes requires advertisers to submit a verification. We can process this on your behalf, we just need a few documents from you! Please note, this information will ONLY be used to submit to Google and will be completely secure. Personal data and documents will not be shared with any third party, as per the Google data protection policy.

Company Registration Document

Acceptable documents:

  • Any document, notice, or letter either issued by the IRS or stamped by the IRS that states your Organization name. Some examples are CP575, 147C, CP299, 988, 937, 1050, 5822 etc.

  • Forms submitted to the IRS will only be accepted if a copy of the form is available on the IRS website. Some examples are Forms 8871 and 990. See here (political organizations) and here (tax exempt organizations) for ways to search for your organization on the IRS website.

  • Certificate of Business Incorporation issued by the state where you conduct business activities that states your Organization name

  • Your most recent SEC filing (e.g., 10-K, 10-Q or 8-K forms) that state the Organization name

  • Business credit reports that state your Organization name from Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion

  • Only for government departments and agencies: an official letter including full name, address and date

Government Issued Photo ID

Acceptable documents:

  • Passport

  • State identification

  • Driving license

  • Permanent resident card or Green card

When submitting a government-issued photo ID, ensure that:

  • The ID is valid (not expired)

  • The image is in color, not black and white

  • The image is clear and well lit

  • The image should not be a photocopy

Submit Credit Cards for Budget Spend


Google Ads charges your credit card as you accrue costs from clicks or views, billing you periodically until you reach your set budget limit. This is separate from ConversionFormula's service cost. This is billed directly by Google, and we are required to gather credit card information for this billing.

Credit cards often reject Google Ads billing, causing campaign interruptions and stopping lead generation, with Visa having the highest rejection rate. American Express (Amex) cards are typically more reliable and experience fewer issues. To ensure smooth billing, we recommend using Amex and informing your card issuer about recurring Google Ads transactions.

To avoid interruptions in your Google Ads campaigns, we require both a primary and a secondary credit card. This ensures that if the primary card fails, the secondary card can immediately take over, keeping your ads running smoothly.

If you have multiple communities, please submit these above forms separately for each community. If the credit cards can be used for all communities, you only need to submit them once.
