Your Name
Will you be attending our wedding?
Tak, będę
Nie, nie będę
Who are all the guests you will be bringing with you?
Convidado 1
Convidado 2
Convidado 3
Convidado 4
Convidado 5
Convidado 6
Convidado 7
Convidado 8
How many of your guests are below 3 years old?
How many of your guests are 3 to 12 years old?
Do you or your guests have any dietary restrictions?
Please specify restrictions per guest
There may be additional activities the days before and after the wedding. Would you be interested in participating?
Będę obecny/obecna tylko w dniu wesela
Chciałbym/chciałabym dołączyć do wydarzeń przed weselem
Chciałbym/chciałabym dołączyć do wydarzeń po weselu
Would you like recommendations on any of the below?
Viagem para a local do casamento
Actividades nas proximidades