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Strategy and tactics must go hand in hand in order for a practice to achieve a measure of true momentum, but an effective strategy must be in place before any set of tactics make sense.
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." - Sun Tzu and The Art of War
People today have come to expect to find information about any product, service, company, individual, cause or challenge they face by simply turning to the search engine of their choice.
So, if they’re not finding content that you’ve produced that provides them that information, even if someone referred them directly to you, there’s a pretty good chance you won’t be worthy of their trust.
The web just keeps gaining significance in the world of small businesses and it’s no longer enough to think about your website as your web strategy.
Marketing today means building a great deal of your thinking around a total web presence.
Generally speaking there is no one magic way to generate a tons of leads. Granted, for some practices there are more effective ways, but on the whole long-term effective lead generation comes down to a combination of advertising, public relations and a systematic approach to referrals – the lead generation trio as we like to call them.
Building your practice momentum usually comes down to understanding these variables and working on improving them: 1) % of leads converted 2) Average $ amount per patient/transaction 3) Average number of transactions with each patient 4) Cost to generate a patient 5) Number of New Patients and 6) Marketing Return on Investment
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