Complete our 1-Minute Survey to Request Your Consultation Today!
What is the problem you are you seeking care for?
All Therapies
Direct Primary Care
IV Therapy
Brain Based Wellness/QNRT
Chiropractic Brain Balancing
Pulsed Magnetics
Pain Management
Neuropathy Care
Gut Health
Women's Health
Lyme Disease
How long have you had this problem?
Have you been diagnosed with any other medical condition(s)? Please also list any medications you are currently taking.
Are you looking to take action on your health challenge or are you looking for additional information?
Take Action
More Information
Not Sure
In order to achieve the results, you desire, changes will need to be made in daily living habits. Depending on your current habits this may include: food choices, exercise, hydration, sleep, etc. Are you committed to making these changes if you are accepted as a participant in our program?
We currently do not work with any insurance providers, in doing so we are not limited by insurance's standard care and can find the root cause of your problems to help you truly heal. Do you wish to continue?
Possibly, if I had more information.
First Name
Last Name
I agree to
terms & conditions
provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.