
Thank you for your interest in She Ascends! We are excited to get to know you better and ensure that this program aligns with your current life situation, values, and intentions. Please take time to complete this form thoughtfully, as we aim to create a community of like-minded women ready to embark on a transformative 12-week journey together.

1. Your Current Flow

(This section helps us understand where you are in your personal journey and whether She Ascends aligns with your current flow.)

2. Life Balance & Capacity

3. Personal Values & Alignment

(Please select and rank the top 5 values that resonate most with you, with 1 being the highest.)

4. Reflection on Your Current Season

(This section encourages you to reflect on where you are in this season of life and how She Ascends can support you.)

5. Intentional Commitments

How do you feel about dedicating time and energy to the following practices for the next 12 weeks?
(Select one per question)

6. Reflection Questions

(Take a moment to share your intentions for joining She Ascends and reflect on how this program can support your growth.)