Complete our survey and you will go into the draw for a chance to win 1 x $1000 Visa card.

The Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce wants to hear from you if you work, own a business or are part of our broader community in the Penrith region. 

What we want to achieve

This survey aims to collate and form key themes, data and insights so that the Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce can present the latest business insights and key challenges to local, state and federal government agencies.

The business landscape in the Penrith precinct continues to evolve and change. In the current environment businesses are facing short term challenges such as reduced foot traffic, cost of living pressures, interconnected transport issues and parking challenges which collectively effect visitation to the precinct from locals and people visiting our area. We want to tackle key business challenges and address them with positive action plans so that our local businesses grow and engage current customers and welcome new customers to our area.

As a business group we have an opportunity to collectively advocate for positive changes to our precinct and provide guidance and advice for government stakeholders so that they invest in programs, activities and infrastructure that provides support for local businesses so they can thrive.

The survey should take about 5 mins. For completing the survey, you will go into the draw for a chance to win 1 x $1000 Visa card.

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important.

Uptown Program - NSW Government

This project is part of the Uptown Program, supported by the NSW Government. The aim of the program is to increase foot traffic to our local businesses and attract new customers to the area by creating a vibrant and safe place to drink, eat, play and work. Click here for more information about this program.

To enter the draw for a chance to win 1 x $1000 Visa card make sure you fill out the contact details above. Your details and submission will be confidential. The results of the survey will be published as collective numbers so no individual responses will be identified.

Alternatively you may wish to fill this survey our anonymously. You are welcome to do so. However, as we won't have your contact details we won't be able to enter you in the draw to win 1 x $1000 Visa card.

Positive Benefits for Locals, Business and Visitors/Tourists

Outlook and Opportunities for Local Businesses

With the Western Sydney Airport opening in 2026, 10,000+ visitors will eventually arrive every day. They will need a place to eat, drink, stay and be close to family, friends and major tourist destinations such as the Blue Mountains and the outdoor activities available in and around the Penrith Valley. By being strategically located near the airport, your business is poised to thrive as the area's connectivity improves.