Full Name
Are you a B2B or B2C business?
B2B (Business to Business)
B2C (Business 2 Consumer)
How quickly would you say your pages load in mobile?
I get super frustrated when I try to load my site
Lightning fast!
It takes a few seconds, but we eventually get there
Do you know which page on your site Google sends the most traffic to?
My homepage
A specific product page
a blog post
I have no idea
What's your top SEO Challenge?
I am not getting enough visitors to my website
I have a good amount of traffic, but nobody is buying
I'm on page two or beyond in the SERPS
I have a really high bounce rate, and nobody seems to read past my home page
Imagine that your brand went viral and you received an influx of traffic, which of the following best describes what you would do next?
Panic: I don’t know that my site would be able to handle that
Scramble: I don't know that my visitors would know where to go on my site
Jump for Joy: I'm ready for a surge
Wonder: how did people find out about me and how did I go viral?
How often is your content shared or liked by others on social media?
I'm Popular: My notifications are blowing up with likes and comments
People know of me: I get likes and the occasional share or comment
I rarely get likes or comments, much less any shares
I don't have anything to share!
What do you know about your ideal client?
I have full on avatars describing their age, employment, annual income, favorite color
I know they have a general interest in my product or service
I believe anyone can be my ideal client
How do you decide the keywords you are trying to rank for?
I use a Keyword tool like Answer the Public or Ahrefs
I focus on what I feel is best for my brand and what I think people would search
I target keywords specific to my brand and my brand name
What is your business' annual revenue?
Which of the following animals most closely resembles your attitude towards marketing?
It's Vital: (Honeybee)
It's Important: (Owl)
I'm Skeptical: (Ostrich)
It's Expensive: (Squirrel)
It's Difficult: (Beaver)
When it comes to SEO, which of the following statements do you most relate to?
Expert: I've read The Art of SEO, and I've implemented successful strategies
Intermediate: I know what Ahrefs is, but I wouldn't know if a Google penalty hit me
Beginner: I know what the acronym stands for, and I know it's important for my website
New Kid on The Block: Does SEO stand for "Senior Executive Officer"?
What is your monthly website visits?