First Name
Last Name
Do you have an existing Google Ads account?
If yes, Please enter your 10-digit Ads ID #
What is your budget for this Advertising Campaign?
Tell Us About Your Business
What Hours/Days do you answer your phone?
What Services or products do you want to promote? Please be as detailed as possible.
In what geographic area do you want to advertise? Please provide a list in priority order.
What is the main offer being made to site visitors?
What are your main selling / value propositions?
Have you ever done Pay Per Click Advertising ? If yes, please check the investment level
Never done PPC
$1 ~ $500 per month
$501 ~ $1000 per month
$1001 ~ $2500 per month
$2501 ~ $5000 per month
$5001 ~ $8000 per month
Please write as many keywords as you can think of that you would like to target online. (Keywords are words typed into google that your website will be visible for, example “Honolulu Chiropractor”, "Mililani Orthodontist"
Would you like to order a custom landing page for this campaign or do you already have a page on your website to send ad traffic to?
How many additional customers would you like to acquire a month? Please set a number.
Is there anything else you need to tell us that might be helpful in getting this campaign setup?