Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Age Bracket
25 - 35
36 - 45
45 - 60
60 +
How often do you exercise for 30 minutes or more?
Every Day
4-6 times per week
1-3 times per week
I'll let you know when I do
What type of exercise do you mostly do?
Cardio (running, swimming etc)
Weight training
Yoga / Pilates (or similar)
Walking (with or without the dog)
Describe your sleep patterns
I get lots of good sleep and get to sleep quickly
I take a while to get to sleep and wake during the night
I don't sleep for long at all and can't get back to sleep
I just want to keep sleeping and sleeping zzzzzzzz
How are your energy levels usually?
My energy levels are great - when's the next marathon
I have a tired spot about 2-3pm
I always feel a bit tired
Physically I feel fine but mentally I feel exhausted
Mentally I feel fine but physically I feel exhausted
How would you describe your diet?
I only eat healthy food
80-90% of what I eat is healthy
I was doing well but then was led into temptation
Netflix, chocolate and doritos are awesome
How much water do you typically drink in a day?
I drink if I feel like it
I drink 1 - 2 litres per day
I drink 3 - 4 litres per day
Does it count if I have it in coffee
How often do you get out into early morning sun on purpose?
Most mornings
When I’m on holidays
What does this “early morning” mean
How often do you do cold therapy - cold showers/ice baths?
2 - 3 times per week
I tried it once
Are you kidding?
How often do you go outside and walk on the grass/sand barefoot?
When I play with the kids
I’m not a hippie!
How would you describe your gut health?
Excellent - no known issues
Pretty good - occasional issues but eating better now
Have a few issues
Gut health - you can have a healthy gut?
How would you describe your overall outlook on life?
Happy and optimistic - bring it on
I enjoy life most of the time
Not sure - life seems pretty hard most of the time
I’ve had enough. Surely life should not be this hard - beam me up Scotty
Do you deal with any mental health issues (well we all do to some degree)?
I’m all good (as good as can be)
Occasionally things overwhelm me
I struggle with people and situations regularly
I’m in bed right now and I don’t want to answer your question
Do you currently have a solid vision for the next 5 years of your life?
Clear, written, and planned daily
Yep I know what I want, I wrote it somewhere. I’ll get there.
I think I know what I want. Don’t know if it will happen though.
5 years? I don’t know what I’m having for lunch!
How stressed are you generally - overall?
Stressed - what’s that?
I do get stressed but not regularly.
I’m pretty stressed fairly often
Stress? I thought this was normal life
How would you rate your productivity?
I’m all over it, I do 16 hours work every 3 hours.
I’m pretty focused most of the time and feel pretty good.
Definitely need help in this area.
I find it hard to find my diary.
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