Understanding of Services

(5 being very well, and 1 being not well at all)

Clarity of Communication

(5 being extremely clear, and 1 being very unclear)

Response Timelines

(5 being very satisfied, and 1 being very dissatisfied ).

Personal Service Experience

(5 being very high, and 1 being very low)

Professional Expertise

(5 being extremely confident, and 1 being not confident at all)

Ease of Process

(5 being very easy, and 1 being very difficult)

Support and Guidance

(5 being very satisfied, and 1 being very dissatisfied)

Value for Money

(5 being excellent value, and 1 being poor value)

Referral Likelihood

(5 being very likely, and 1 being very unlikely)

Overall Satisfaction

(5 being very satisfied, and 1 being very dissatisfied)